Sentinels of Earth-Prime
Sentinels of Earth-Prime is a cooperativecard game that recreates the pulse poundingaction of superhero comics. This epic team up between Green RoninPublishing and Greater Than Games uses the rules of the hit gameSentinels of the Multiverse and the setting and characters of the criticallyacclaimed Mutants & Masterminds Roleplaying Game. Play a hero ofthe Freedom League like Lady Liberty, Captain Thunder, or JohnnyRocket striving against the schemes of villains like Argo the UltimateAndroid and Omega, Lord of the Terminus, in dynamic environmentslike Tartarus and Freedom City. Sentinels of Earth-Prime is a stand\u0002alone game but everything is 100% compatible with previous Sentinelsof the Multiverse releases and decks can be mixed and matched as youdesire. The game includes 18 card decks (ten heroes, four villains, andfour environments), as well as tokens, dividers, and a rulebook.