Fate Codex Anthology – Volume 2
A Year of Fate!
Fate Codex is a mostly-monthly e-zine—funded through Patreon—that features essays, systems, quick starts, and more for the Fate Core roleplaying system. Throughout 2015, over 600 backers funded six different issues of Fate Codex; now we’ve brought all six of those issues together into this new anthology!
The pages of this volume feature over twenty-five original articles produced by a massive miscellany of authors: Tracy Barnett, Heather Beauregard, Richard Bellingham, Don Bisdorf, Brendan Conway, Jason Corley, Marissa Kelly, Kira Magrann, Koji Nishuchi, Mike Olson, Jon Peacock, Jacob Possin, Felipe Real, Sarah Richardson, Travis Scott, Mark Diaz Truman, Clark Valentine, and Nicole Winchester.
The art from the original issues—more than thirty original pieces—is carried over to the anthology as well, with works by such artists as Olivia Boyd, Marissa Kelly, Mike Mumah, Juan Ochoa.
Crack open this book, and you’ll be swimming in fantastic Fate content from some of the brightest and most experienced Fate authors in the industry: captivating fiction; essays on how to use flashbacks in Fate, using corruption mechanics to fall under the sway of the dark side of humanity, and building dread for horror games; and quickstart adventures featuring serial killers, secret agents, and warrior princesses.