A Game of Thrones LCG – 2018 World Championship Deck
Take your revenge with the 2018 World Championship Deck for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Lennart Paga led this Martell Banner of the Wolf list to victory at the 2018 World Championship by embracing the long game and controlling the board with key cards like Ward, Ramsay Snow, and Valar Dohaeris. Offering a card-for-card recreation of Paga’s deck with newly redesigned cards that feature gorgeous full-bleed art, this deck is perfect for new players looking for an entry point to the battle for the Iron Throne, intermediate players who wish to explore new deckbuilding opportunities, and experienced players who want to expand their collection with full-art versions of favorite cards and extra copies of favorite neutral cards. Expose the crimes of your enemies and remain Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!
- Includes 69 beautiful full-bleed art cards to make stunning additions to any player’s collection
- Card-for-card recreation of the 2018 World Champion’s deck provides a ready-to-use deck that is the perfect entry point for new players
- Deck list focused on board control and answering any potential threat offers new deckbuilding opportunities for intermediate players
- Inclusion of popular neutral cards provides extra copies of favored cards for experienced players to fine-tune their decks