13th Age – Glorantha
Create your group’s unique Gloranthan campaign using 13th Age: the d20-rolling game of heroic fantasy, escalating combat, One Unique Things, and limb-ripping owlbears!
Developed by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet.
For Game Masters, 13th Age Glorantha includes:
If you’re a 13th Age player you’ll find:
- 5 new classes, including the hell mother who summons Darkness spirits and giant spiders; the swordmaster Humakti who wields Death; and the trickster who (in theory!) funnels your bad luck onto your enemies.
- 5 new class variants, including the wind lord, a fighter with magical storm-related exploits; and the rebel, a rogue with the supernatural ability to get where he’s not supposed to be.
- 2 new PC races, the trolls and ducks, plus Gloranthan humans with new cultural traits.