Greater Entities – Phthisis, Lord of the Foul Winds
A terrible gale scours the fields, ruining crops like a huge scythe; a childsuffers from a shortness of breath until, a few days later, the whole familyis found asphyxiated, their faces blackened as if strangled; a howlingwind scours the Hellish Plains, flensing demonic bodies, leaving behindpiles of clean, razor-scored bones.
Whenever an ill wind is blowing, whenever foul air claims lives regardlessof innocence or guilt, it is the storm-blackened wings of Phthisis that beatthe drums of death and devastation.
One of the two most venerable Demon Lords, Phthisis is aloof both incharacter and demesne, as he dwells in the Whistling Fortress, a floatingcontraption equal parts castle and nest, made from the hollowed out,flute-like bones of a once mighty Behemoth. The Fortress is kept aloft bygiant flocks of Hellcrows, who proudly die on the task, beingconsequently elevated in form and status to soldiers of the Miasmic Wing,the collective name for the armies of Phthisis.
When Phthisis deigns to lower himself from the skies for personal combat,his arrival is preceded by a horrific, ear-rending screech, accompaniedby the tortuous tunes issuing from the Whistling Fortress, as well as thecacophony of his flying cohorts.
A king in nature, if not in fact, Phthisis dispatches his enemies with a gracedevoid of all unseemly mercy.
Miniature comes unpainted and un-assembled.